Tram of the Future
A design of a tram system for the year 2040. This design improves the flow of the tram system and provides passengers with better optimized seating options,  and safer and convenient stops.
Problem Statement:
In the future of 2040, the Hague will face a population density close to the one in New York and there will be twice as many public transport users pushing the pressure of HTM.
Target group:
Commuters using public transport
Anticipating Scenarios, Design for the future, Concept Design
Florian Dan Chiriac, Meirahma Putri Salsabila, LLP [Me]
Time Period:
February/2019 - July/2019

1. Principles, States, Developments and Trends Research and clustering into different categories

2. Trend Mapping

3. Cross Scenario Creation

4. Ideation into different Scenarios

5. Development of Chosen Scenarios

6. Development of internal layout of tram

7. Implementation Road map

8. Business Model Canvas

9. Cost Calculation

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