Car rental comparison site
The Problem

There are so many car rentals and car rental comparison sites, however none of them focus on the eco friendliness of the cars or had very little and unclear indication on how eco friendly these cars are.
The Solution

We set off to work and began by thoroughly researching existing car rental, car rental comparison websites, but also going around and conducting interviews and questionnaires.

With the research done we tried to come up with as many ideas as to which functions and features the comparison website should have.

After doing several diverging and converging rounds, and creating multiple quick prototype websites with Wix, we decided on the final concept: EcoJourney
The Result

EcoJourney ended up consisting of two different parts. The first part was a website which gives users suggestions on which cars to choose depending on the journey type of each customer. 
It would collaborate with a multitude of major car rental agencies around the globe to give customers a wide selection of eco-friendly cars. 
The second part consisted of the stand that can be seen in the image on the left. This stand would be placed in airports and train stations, and would allow users to easily rent a car. 
The stand would have three sections with a touch screen on which the customer can access the website, and an area in front of it where travel documents could be placed. On top of it there are separation plates to have a level of privacy. ​​​​​​​
Project information
Roles: Project manager, Ideator, 3D modeller, prototyper
Duration: 15 Weeks  
Time period: September/2018 -February/2019 
Team members: 4 Members
Client: This project was a product proposal for LowCVP 
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